There are many great restaurants, pubs and bars around Prague. How do you choose a good restaurant with an affordable price?
Where do you find reviews and rankings? Use the Czech culinary portal “Grand Restaurant”. Most of the comments are in Czech, but at least you can find English description, rating and price level.”
www.grandrestaurant.cz or also check with Google, TripAdvisor or Foursquare.

Beer bars – new trend in Prague with number of local beers on tap. Try:
- Kulový blesk, Sokolská 13, Prague 2 (close to PCC)
- Diego, Sokolovská 114, Prague 8
- Bad Flash Bar, Krymská 126/2, Prague 10
- Zlý časy, Čestmírova 5, Prague 4(close to PCC)
Last tip – try the wild Žižkov district
- U Vystřelenýho oka, U Božích bojovníků 3, Prague 3
- U Sadu, Škroupovo nám. 5, Prague 3
- or Bořivojova street with many pubs.
Beer is part of our culture; nowadays, we have many breweries around Prague and Czech Republic. Check the useful app with all the breweries and their ratings: Google Play Store / iTunes

When you open up the menu at a typical Czech pub or restaurant you should look for the word Bezmasa. This is the vegetarian section of the menu. Czech cuisine is notoriously unaccepting of the choice to not eat meat, but a few vegetarian dishes actually do exist. Most are quite delicious and usually kind of unhealthy. In many cases a plate of smažené (fried) broccoli, mushrooms, cauliflower or different cheeses will be considered a meal for vegetarians, usually accompanied by some boiled – or fried – potatoes and tartar sauce. This type of dish is actually much better than it sounds, unless, of course, it already sounds phenomenal.
However, if you’re looking to avoid any and all uncertainties, there are a number of completely vegetarian restaurants lurking around. Many are fairly easy to find on the Internet.
- Etnosvět (vegan), Legerova 40, Prague 2 – 10 minute walk from the PCC
- Lehká hlava (vegetarian), Boršov 2, Prague 1
- Maitrea (vegetarian), Týnská ulička 6, Prague 1
- Dhaba Beas (vegetarian), Bělehradská 90, Prague 2
- Plevel (vegan), Krymská 2, Prague 10
- Satsang (vegan), Krymská 24, Prague 10

You can find nice cocktail bars, wine bars and there are many bistros and burger bars.
For these go to Vinohrady (Dish burger, Martin Bistro, Marthy’s kitchen, Sweet and pepper days etc.), Karlín or Vršovice around Krymská street.
Bars – Čili bar, Public Interest, Drunken Monkey, bars along Dlouha street. This is in the city centre.

Such places are slowly disappearing , but you can still find some of them in the city center. Be prepared for morose waiters, Czech menu only, but usually EXCELLENT beer with a good price. Try to say „Dobry den“ when entering the pub. Your chances will be higher.
- U Černého vola, Loretánské náměstí 107/1, Prague 1
- U Hrocha, Thunovská 2, Prague 1
- U Kocoura, Nerudova 2, Prague 1
- U Rudolfina, Křižovnická 10, Prague 1
- U Jelínků, Charvátova 1, Prague 2
- U Dvou koček, Uhelný trh 10, Prague 1
- U Zlatého tygra, Husova 17, Prague 1
- U Rotundy, Karoliny Světlé 17, Prague 1

This is our nightmare, but be sure we would never go to have Czech food at touristic places. High prices – questionable quality. Some suggestions:
- City centre – Lokál pubs from Ambiente group, U Rudolfina, U Medvídků, Mincovna, Pubs from Plzeňský Prazdroj group
- Vinohrady – Vinohradský Parlament, Vinohradský pivovar, U Bulínů
- Karlín – Lokál Hamburk, U Tunelu
High quality and modern Czech cuisine
Michellin restaurants
- Alcron, Štěpánská 40, Prague 1
- La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise, Haštalská 18, Prague 1
- Field, U Milosrdných 12, Prague 1

There is wide range to choose from. It’s hard to recommend, but we will try.
- Italian – those are mostly related to Italians living in Prague. Good quality, not cheap, but definitely cheaper than in Copenhagen. La Finestra, La Veranda, Aromi, Pasta Fresca, Ichnusa Botega, Da Clara, Alforno Focacceria, Jacob’s. Many good pizzerias with wooden ovens.
- Mexican – try some with Mexican owners Las Adelitas, La Casa Blue, Cantina
- Asian – Modrý zub (Thai), Kobe (Japan), YamYam (different Asian styles), many Vietnamese Pho bistros
- Spain/Mediterranean – tapas bars Miro, Kofein, Zdenek’s Oyster Bar
- Greek – Olympos
- Brazil – if you are ready for opulent dinner go to Brasileiro, this is excellent.